A message from Hospice Executive Director
“Hello dear friends of Rotary Hospice,
It is a privilege to be here with you this evening, as the executive director.
Rotary Hospice opened its doors in 2019 and while those first years brought about challenges due to Covid19, I am sure you will agree that we were all presented with an opportunity to pause and reflect on what truly matters in our lives and in our communities.
At Rotary Hospice, we have moved into these post pandemic times, stronger, more determined, and surer than ever, that families and their loved ones need to be together, where they can share in the moments that matter during their end-of-life journey.
In our hospice home during these first five years of operations, we have grown in several ways, recognizing the importance of multiple approaches to care. Interactions with animals through our pet therapy program offer an opportunity for residents and their visitors to experience and feel emotions that cannot always be put into words. A rich music program provided by talented volunteers allows residents and families additional ways to connect through musical memories.
Each family leaving the hospice is now provided with a care bundle to support them in their early days of grief and loss. Follow up Care & Bereavement programs are available through webinars, phone check ins and in person care & bereavement groups to receive support after the loss of a loved one.
Each and every day, residents and their loved ones are wrapped with care and support because you chose to give. I am grateful that some of you in this room this evening have been recipients of that care, and have chosen to pay it forward.
Without you all, this would not be possible, so on behalf of everyone at Rotary Hospice, those that have called it home, and those that will come to call it home, my heartfelt thanks.”
Louise Lepp, Executive Director